45 RPM Record in Play Mode
by Gary Slawsky
45 RPM Record in Play Mode
Gary Slawsky
Photograph - Photography
An old 1950's 45 RPM record player is being used to actively play record while the second record is elevated on the spindle waiting for the first one to finish before being automatically dropped on the turntable to be played.
June 4th, 2017
Comments (21)
Bob Christopher
Hi Gary...It is rare that I comment on the same image twice but I really do like this one. Well thought out and nicely presented...Cheers Bob fv
Bob Christopher
Hi Gary...I like your image. An interesting subject and photographed very nicely...Cheers Bob fv
Luis Cifuentes
Love it! Gary, ABC Group has V is for Vintage this week and this image is ideal for it.
Gary Slawsky replied:
I submitted this image and another to the ABC Group tonight. Thanks for bringing this opportunity to my attention.